Product Selector

Il Regolamento europeo UE No 2024/573 sui gas fluorurati ad effetto serra, meglio noto come Regolamento F-Gas, è stato pubblicato sulla GUCE serie L del 20 febbraio 2024 ed entrerà in vigore in tutta l’Unione Europea l’11 marzo 2024, abrogando il precedente Regolamento UE No 517/2014.

In questo articolo potete trovare tutti i dettagli, le scadenze e la relativa compatibilità delle soluzioni Castel già presenti sul mercato.

The international growth of Castel and the introduction of all products also in the American market is also enriched by the safety devices. Castel is proud to expand its range of safety valves with new valve models approved according to the ASME directive.

The efficiency and breadth of Castel’s component offering once again underlines the spirit and philosophy of the entire Castel group.

Keeping up with changing times is not easy at all.

Castel can accompany you in this moment of transition by providing products that aim for increasingly green and efficient choices, paying attention for the safety of the systems and technicians.

The latest product developed by Castel, following this philosopy, is the 90 bar filter drier with replaceable solid core.

Read the entire article and find out more about the benefits of this solution.

The best way to be ready for the future is to embrace the changes, thanks to the reliability of Castel products and the large choice of components it has been possible to support the creation and installation of a large system capable of managing cooling and heating with a heat pump.

We all know that cooling is not just bringing cold, but it consists in extracting heat from something, and this must be done with an eye to the environment. The use of R290 and R744, and the management of the collaboration between them is the path chosen by this installation and the focus chosen by Castel for its future, and for the future of the planet earth.

Castel has always had a high regard for the goals of all its staff: by organizing professional training sessions in a motivational and interactive way, it is able to help achieve every level of skill required at all company levels.  The training of human resources is essential for every company, because the success of a company is based on the professional growth of each of its employees. Hence to optimize work potential, each resource needs competent and guaranteed training from the company.

Developing ideas and innovation makes sense only if you have the possibility of being able to count on the skills and on a dedicated environment where you can test the products.

It’s precisely this reason that prompted us to create a refrigeration test facility, the “Castel Market”. Within this test area, synergies are created and strengthened between people and useful ideas are born to develop innovation.

The quick and simple access of technical information is always one of the most important features that characterize a service, as well as the accuracy and updating of the same is essential for the refrigeration technician to keep up to date with market news.
Castel provides all its customers with a new support solution, focused in the simplicity of a QR code. It’s present on all product packaging; this solution is able to provide all the details and information of the product, directing the user to a specific landing page from where it’s possible to download and access all the latest documentation available.