Product Selector

Castel has always had a high regard for the goals of all its staff: by organizing professional training sessions in a motivational and interactive way, it is able to help achieve every level of skill required at all company levels.  The training of human resources is essential for every company, because the success of a company is based on the professional growth of each of its employees. Hence to optimize work potential, each resource needs competent and guaranteed training from the company.

Developing ideas and innovation makes sense only if you have the possibility of being able to count on the skills and on a dedicated environment where you can test the products.

It’s precisely this reason that prompted us to create a refrigeration test facility, the “Castel Market”. Within this test area, synergies are created and strengthened between people and useful ideas are born to develop innovation.

The quick and simple access of technical information is always one of the most important features that characterize a service, as well as the accuracy and updating of the same is essential for the refrigeration technician to keep up to date with market news.
Castel provides all its customers with a new support solution, focused in the simplicity of a QR code. It’s present on all product packaging; this solution is able to provide all the details and information of the product, directing the user to a specific landing page from where it’s possible to download and access all the latest documentation available. 

One of the main components of a refrigeration system is the expansion valve. Its correct sizing is critical to ensure the optimum and most efficient operation.
The APP Castel Selector supports the designer, or refrigeration technician, in sizing the electronic expansion valve and in matching it to the compatible PEGO electronics, thus providing all the information necessary for the complete configuration of a refrigeration system.

The selection of Castel components is enriched with new products starting from the complete range of check valves, the full range of Castel indicators, plus the range of ball valves and their relative pairing with the electric actuators proposed in the Castel catalog.

The tool proposed by Castel helps the designer, and the refrigeration technician, to calculate the pressure drop generated by each passive component of the Castel family, thus providing all the information for a correct selection.

In addition to providing the fluid dynamics calculations, this application also guides and supports the designer during the pairing of ball valves with an actuator and its adapter, providing the complete list of components to be ordered.